Embracing Change: A New Chapter for Pickleball and Hall Access at Sproat Lake

Dear Sproat Lake Community,

We’re reaching out to provide you with a crucial update regarding community hall access and the use of the pickleball courts.

Recently, there have been many concerns raised about hall security and the use of our courts and reservation calendar by players from outside of our community. With more and more people using the pickleball courts and accessing the hall, it has become necessary to implement some changes that will enhance security and streamline our growing pickleball program for a more organized and seamless pickleball experience for all. 

New Court Usage Restrictions:

Starting February 19th, 2024, court usage will be restricted to registered players only. We’ve developed a new registration system to ensure a simple and convenient registration process for both community members and visitors. You can register online now,  download a registration package from the SLCA website (Adobe Reader is required), or pick up a registration package at the hall. For those who have previously registered by providing their email address;  re-registration is necessary. We encourage everyone to register as soon as possible so that no one will experience an interruption to hall access and court usage.

Hall Lockbox Code is Changing

To address security concerns, we’re changing the lockbox code for the community hall on February 19, 2024. The new code will only be distributed to registered community members who apply and agree to our new Hall Access Commitment, which is included in the new registration system/package. These changes aim to ensure secure and restricted access to our facilities.

Visitor Privileges Are Changing

Effective February 19th visitors will be required to be registered and will pay a $5.00 fee to use the courts, except for during outdoor open community play times. Their use of the reservation calendar will be restricted to signup capabilities only; they will not have reservation privileges, nor will they be provided with the hall lockbox code.

Members will also be required to be registered but their privileges will not be changing. Registered members will still get free use of the outdoor courts and use of the indoor court for a $3.00 fee. They will have exclusive use of the reservation calendar and will be permitted to invite registered visitors to join them. 

Streamlined Reservation Calendar:

Planning your pickleball games just got simpler! Our updated Teamup reservation calendar will ensure effortless scheduling and signup. The new calendar will come into effect on February 19, 2024. Upon registration, each registered member will receive a personal link to the new calendar and each registered visitor will receive a signup-only calendar link. We have also developed a Teamup calendar guide to assist with using the new calendar. We highly recommend that you read this two-page, helpful document before using the new calendar.

Rules for Enhanced Clarity:

To ensure a smooth and harmonious experience for everyone, we’ve introduced some Court, Hall Use, and Reservation Calendar rules. These rules are designed to prevent any confusion and ensure a shared understanding among all players. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the member rules or visitor rules, as applicable, for a more organized and enjoyable pickleball experience.

We’re Here to Help

We’re enthusiastic about these enhancements to our pickleball program, especially as our pickleball community continues to grow. We understand that change may prompt questions, and we appreciate your cooperation and support as we navigate these enhancements together. In case you require assistance, Tamara Thorpe, our Community Engagement Co-ordinator, will be available to assist with registration and the new calendar, at the hall,  on February 8th, 7pm to 8pm, and on February 17th,   11am to 12pm.  In the meantime, should you have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to reach out to us at pickleball@sproatlakecommunityassociation.com.

We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding!


The Sproat Lake Community Association

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