Get Involved

Join Us in Making a Difference

Getting involved in the Sproat Lake Community can have many benefits. By actively contributing to the community, you can help make a positive difference in your community and have a direct impact on its direction and initiatives. You can also engage with fellow community members, build connections, and foster a sense of belonging while having fun participating in various events.  

Here are some great ways to get involved:

Share Your ideas and give feedback

We value the input of our community members and encourage you to share your ideas, feedback, and suggestions with us. Your perspectives and insights are crucial in shaping our community association’s initiatives, programs, and events. Whether it’s through this website, feedback forms, or one-on-one conversations with our board members, your voice matters, and we want to hear from you.

Volunteer Your Time

At the heart of our community association are volunteers who selflessly give their time and energy to make a positive impact on our community. We invite you to become a part of our team of committed volunteers who work together to plan and bring to life various community events, manage essential projects, and support a wide range of initiatives.  Join us today and be a part of something great!

Engage In Community Events

Our Community Association and other members of the community hosts a variety of exciting events and activities throughout the year, aimed at bringing community members together, fostering social connections, and creating memorable experiences. By participating in our community events, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other community members and contribute to the social atmosphere of Sproat Lake. If you have an event that you’d like to invite the community to, let us know….we’ll help spread the word. Now let’s Get Social and have some fun!

Share A Passion: Lead A club

Do you have a passion or interest that you would like to share with others in our community? Consider leading a club! Leading a club is a fantastic way to bring people together who share a common interest, whether it’s a hobby, sport, or activity. You can start any club that aligns with your interests and the interests of the community. As a club leader, you’ll have the opportunity to create a community within a community, organize events and activities, and foster connections among like-minded individuals. Contact us if you’re interested in starting a club. We’re here to support you!

Need some ideas? Walking Club, Hiking Club, Book Club, Gardening Club, Swimming Club, or Games Club. These are just a few. The possibilities are endless!

Already have a club? Let us know so that we can help get the word out!

Share A Skill: Teach A Workshop or course

Do you have a skill or expertise that you would like to share with the community? Consider teaching a workshop or course! We welcome members who are interested in sharing their skills or expertise in various areas, such as arts and crafts, cooking, fitness, gardening, or any other expertise, skill, or hobby. Teaching a workshop or course is a great way to give back to the community, connect with fellow community members, and contribute to the enrichment of our community’s knowledge and skills. You can design your own workshop or course, set the schedule and format, and share your knowledge in an engaging environment. If you’re interested in sharing a skill or your expertise with the community, please contact us with your proposal and we’ll be happy to discuss the possibilities.

Observe Or Present At A General Meeting

Join us at our meetings to observe or present your ideas and perspectives. As a member, you are invited to attend our board meetings and our Annual General Meeting which is held in February each year. Share your thoughts and opinions on various community matters, and help shape the association’s direction and initiatives. Attending or presenting at our meetings is a great way to stay informed and have your voice heard.  Please contact us if you’re interested in presenting at one of our board meetings.

Join our Board of Directors

Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Consider joining the Sproat Lake Community Association Board of Directors. As a board member, you will play a crucial role in shaping the direction and initiatives of our association, leading to meaningful changes and improvements in our community. You will have the opportunity to work alongside a team of dedicated volunteers, develop new skills, and make a lasting impact on our community. Click here to learn more about board member responsibilities and becoming a board member.

Volunteers Needed!

Together we can make a difference and contribute to the betterment of our community!

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Recent News
koi, fish, carp-5277241.jpg

Important Community Event Regarding the Invasive Koi Problem in Sproat Lake

Dear Sproat Lake Community Members, We are writing to invite you to an important upcoming community event regarding the invasive Carp/Koi problem in Sproat Lake. The event will feature Fisheries Biologist Brendan Anderson from the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship. Brendan, with his extensive experience in managing Carp/Koi invasions, will provide an in-depth

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SLCA President’s Update

Hello! It’s been two months since I became President of the Sproat Lake Community Association (SLCA), and I wanted to take the time to formally introduce myself and provide you with an SLCA update. My name is Tamara, and my involvement with the SLCA began when I was asked to develop our association’s new website.

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Important Message to the Pickleball Community from SLCA Board of Directors

Dear Sproat Lake Pickleball Community, We hope this message finds you well and looking forward to another exciting pickleball season at Sproat Lake. In light of recent communications and discussions regarding pickleball court usage fees for visitors and other related concerns, we want to ensure that everyone has access to accurate information and that constructive

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Insight into the Proposed Active Transportation Network Plan

Dear Sproat Lake Community The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District has proposed a series of changes to the active transportation infrastructure around Sproat Lake. These proposed changes include the following: Adding and upgrading roadside trails. Enhancing wayfinding, and signage. Introduction of Advisory Lanes (one-way alternating traffic is being proposed in 6 areas) Introduction of Bicycle/Walkable Shoulders. Paved

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