Shaping Tomorrow: Your Invitation to Join the SLCA Board of Directors

Dear Sproat Lake Community Members,

As our community continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for dedicated individuals who are passionate about shaping the future. Now, more than ever, we are seeking community leaders to join our Board of Directors and make a lasting impact.

Why Join our Board of Directors?

As a board member, you will play a crucial role in shaping the direction and initiatives of our association, leading to meaningful changes and improvements in our community. You will have the opportunity to work alongside a team of dedicated volunteers, develop new skills, and make a lasting impact on our community. 

Time Commitment:

We get it – everyone’s got a packed schedule. Serving on the Board usually takes 2-6 hours a month, allowing you to contribute significantly to our community without overwhelming your busy life.

How Can You Make a Difference?

Everyone’s unique perspective is vital. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a parent, a student, or enjoying retirement, your individuality is what makes our community strong. Join the board and bring your valuable perspective to the table. Your voice matters in shaping decisions that impact us all.

What positions are available and what would your duties be?

  1. President: Lead the association, guide meetings, and act as the official spokesperson.
  2. Vice President and 2nd Vice President: Support the President, and step in when needed.
  3. Secretary: Manage association records, communications, and prepare minutes.
  4. Treasurer: Handle finances, present financial reports, work on funding initiatives and financial planning.
  5. Directors at Large (7 positions): Represent community perspectives, participate in committees, and support association events.

Ready to Get Involved?

Click the button below or download and print the form to nominate yourself or someone you believe would be a great fit, by February 23, 2024. We’re excited to welcome new voices to our Board of Directors!

Let’s work together to create a vibrant future for Sproat Lake.

Thank you for considering this meaningful opportunity!


Sproat Lake Community Association

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