Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

February 26, 2024 - 7pm

Dear Members,

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sproat Lake Community Association will be held:

Date: Monday, February 26, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Sproat Lake Community Hall – 9346 Bomberbase Road 

Board of Directors Nomination Information 

Notice of Special Resolutions

Motion to change/add to the SLCA Constitution, paragraph 2) as follows:

  • Background: The Constitution has not been updated from it’s original statement and does not adequately reflect the past and current activity of the Association.
  • Current:
  1. The name of the Society is “Sproat Lake Community Association”
  2. The objects of the Society are to acquire,  operate, and maintain premises for community purposes; to encourage and foster the growth of community spirit in the Sproat Lake area; to provide social, recreational, and athletic facilities for the enjoyment of its members; to acquire and hold licenses, franchises, real and personal property; and to do all things necessary or incidental to the foregoing.
  3. The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on at or near Sproat Lake, Alberni District, in the Province of British Columbia.
  • Replace with:
  1. The name of the Society is “Sproat Lake Community Association”
  2. The objects of the Society are:

a) To acquire, operate, and maintain premises for community purposes; to encourage and foster the growth of community spirit in the Sproat Lake area; to provide social, recreational, and athletic facilities for the enjoyment of its members; to acquire and hold licenses, franchises, real and personal property; and to do things necessary or incidental to the foregoing.

b) To promote or engage in the preservation, enhancement, and management of Sproat Lake and its surrounding area, including raising environmental concerns; promoting conservation efforts; and organizing community initiatives to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of the lake ecosystem and our drinking water, as well as supporting broader community needs.

3.The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on at or near Sproat Lake, Alberni District, in the Province of British Columbia.

 Motion to revise the Board of Director (BoD) positions:

  •  Current:

President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer & 7 Directors, one of which is Past President

  • Replace with:

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer & 8 Directors, one of which may be Past President and one of which may be Community Engagement Coordinator

  • Background:  The BoD membership change above was previously approved via Resolution, but unfortunately not documented at the Societies office.  The inclusion of a Community Engagement position meets the goal to ‘foster the growth of community spirit’.
Meeting Agenda

Call to Order:

Adoption of the Agenda:

Minutes of the Feb 27, 2023 AGM:

Treasurers Report: Rene Lacoursiere

Delegate, Petitions & Presentations:

  • Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) Draft Financial Plan 2024 -2028: Teri Fong
  • Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) Planning & Development: Mike Irg
  • Mosiac Forest Activities Update: Colin Koszman
  • Sproat Lake Volunteer Fire Department update: TBA
  • Sproat Lake Parks & Trail Commission update: Joe Lamoureux
  • Sproat Lake Area D Report: Penny Cote

SLCA Report: Nancy Harvey

  • Website
  • Hall projects
  • Court project
  • Hall access changes & Pickleball registration
  • Open House Aug 2023

New Business:

Special Resolutions (See above for notice and information)

Elections of Sproat Lake Community Assoc Board of Directors:  Nancy Harvey

Note: the elected positions this year must follow the bylaws currently registered with the Society’s Office


1st Vice-President

2nd Vice-President



Directors (7)

Old Business:  



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