Welcoming New Faces to the Sproat Lake Community Association Board

Greetings, Sproat Lake community!

We are delighted to announce that at this year’s AGM, six new individuals were elected to join the Sproat Lake Community Association board. This dynamic group of community members brings diverse backgrounds, fresh perspectives, and a shared passion for the betterment of our beloved community.

We are thrilled to introduce our new board members, who will join our returning directors in steering the association toward continued success.

Lynne Fridfinnson, 

Mike Gerigk

Sheri Gerigk

Pat O’Connell

Heather Sander

Wynn Thomsen

They will join our returning board members, whose continued commitment to our vision is greatly appreciated!

Linda Bowers, 

Greg Steele, 

Rene Lacoursiere, 

Lauralee Edgell, 

Nancy Harvey, 

Brian Cote, 

Robert Lindores. 

We would also like to express our appreciation and gratitude to resigning board members Mark Molander, Linda LaRochell, Danielle Marley, Mark Marley and Geo Monrufet. Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in guiding the association’s direction. 

The Sproat Lake Community Association believes in the power of community involvement and collaboration. We encourage all community members to actively engage with the association, attend meetings, and contribute their valuable insights and ideas. Together, we can continue building a stronger, more vibrant, and inclusive community that we can all be proud to call home.

We look forward to the exciting journey ahead as we work together to create an even brighter future for Sproat Lake. Stay tuned for updates, initiatives, and opportunities to get involved as we embark on this new chapter together!

Warm regards,

Sproat Lake Community Association

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