Shaping the Future of Sproat Lake’s Active Transportation Network: Your Input Matters!

We want to share a significant initiative that’s being undertaken by the ACRD – the development of the first-ever Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) for Sproat Lake, Electoral Area D. This plan holds great potential for enhancing our community’s trail systems, creating better connections, and catering to a wider range of needs.

Creating a Connected Sproat Lake: The ATNP aims to amplify the functionality of our existing trail network, establishing crucial links between various community hubs and services. 

Your Voice Matters: Central to the success of this initiative is your input. We believe that your insights, preferences, and concerns will play a pivotal role in crafting a plan that accurately mirrors the needs of our community. 

Survey Details:

  • Completing the survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time.
  • Your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous.
  • The survey will be open for submissions until September 19, 2023, at 11:59 pm.

Get Involved Today: Your participation is invaluable. To begin sharing your opinions and perspectives, please follow this link: Survey Link.

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