Important Message to the Pickleball Community from SLCA Board of Directors

Dear Sproat Lake Pickleball Community,

We hope this message finds you well and looking forward to another exciting pickleball season at Sproat Lake.

In light of recent communications and discussions regarding pickleball court usage fees for visitors and other related concerns, we want to ensure that everyone has access to accurate information and that constructive dialogue is maintained within our community.

It is important to note that while we value and appreciate input, there have been certain assertions made lately that require clarification due to inaccuracies or misunderstandings:

  • Funding Source for Pickleball Courts: We want to clarify that the grant funding specifically allocated for the pickleball courts was obtained through a grant called Community Works Funding. This grant was secured by the SLCA board of directors for the benefit of our community.  In addition to this funding, the SLCA has approved spending approximately $12,000 of Association investment funds for the most recent work of replacing the rotten fence posts and perimeter work.  Considering our aging hall and the rising cost of everything, it is in the best interest of the whole Sproat Lake community to recoup these funds through court user fees. Instead of charging a fee for all users, we chose to charge it for visitors only.
  • Charging Visitors for Court Usage: It’s important to clarify that the decision to implement fees for visitors was not just to “make money”. It is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the availability of the courts to our community members; as well as to ensure the sustainability and maintenance of the courts. More work will undoubtedly be needed in the future and the Community Works Funding has run dry.  This user fee structure aligns with similar practices in other community associations and recreational facilities.
  • Comparison to Pickleball Clubs: We would also like to clarify that we are not a pickleball club; we are a community association, and we are governed by our constitution (this is our purpose), and our bylaws. As a community association, our purpose extends well beyond pickleball activities. While pickleball is a valued part of our community programming, our primary focus is on fostering a cohesive and inclusive community environment. Our programs and events are designed for having fun, socializing, and promoting a sense of community. We do not have a pickleball membership fee because our members use the outdoor courts for free. Creating a membership program specifically for non-community members would be well outside of our constitution.
  • Open Community Play:  Open Community Play is one of our community programs, as described above. We are thrilled to see the growth that has occurred recently and look forward to its continued growth. We are sorry to hear that some of you do not share in our excitement but please understand that this growth of our community program aligns well with our constitution. We have been asked, “Why does open community play get the best courts and the best times?” Well, because it is our own community program, taking place on our own courts, and it is inclusive. Players of all levels, including new players are welcome. This program is consistent with the purpose of our existence, and we kindly ask that everyone please respect that.
  • Funds Collected in Property Taxes:   Each household pays $11.72/year, and this equates to a total of $11,900/year. These funds are used for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the hall and other community initiatives. It is not enough money to also maintain and make improvements to the pickleball courts when needed, which is why money had to be spent from SLCA investment savings for the rotting posts and perimeter work.  Let’s put this into further perspective. For $11.72/year, each household has access to, among other things, unlimited use of our beautiful pickleball courts, a reservation system for your convenience, the right to reserve and use the indoor court for a small fee, and the opportunity to engage with your community 3 days per week during open community play, year-round. The question: Is it reasonable for members to expect that their friends from outside the community should also play for free? 

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone for your cooperation in adhering to the new Community Pickleball Program rules. Apart from a few initial misunderstandings of the rules, the transition has been remarkably smooth, and we sincerely appreciate your efforts in this regard. Your continued compliance with the rules not only benefits our community but also reduces the workload for the volunteers responsible for administering the program. We thank you for your ongoing commitment to upholding the program’s guidelines.

We encourage open and respectful dialogue through established channels to address concerns and promote a harmonious community atmosphere. Upon registration, everyone was provided with a contact email ( We encourage you to communicate directly by emailing your concerns or questions. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Lastly, we would like to advise that we have recently appointed board member, David Brooks as the new Pickleball Director.  We thank David for taking on this very important role, which will allow Tamara to focus on her other duties as President and Community Engagement Coordinator. Please stay tuned for more communications from David.  In the meantime, he can be reached at

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these matters and wish you a wonderful pickleball season!


The SLCA Board of Directors

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