Clean Beaches, Clean Water

The Sproat Lake Community Association is calling for VOLUNTEERS to help clean up targeted crown land beaches along Stirling Arm, Two Rivers Arm and Taylor Arm.

  • Please remember to wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear and bring your work/rubber gloves, shovels or rakes, etc.
  • SLCA and the Fish and Duck Resort will provide garbage bags, maps, water, and a hot lunch.
  • Please check back here to confirm the event date and for more info.  
  • If you want to volunteer but need a boat please meet at the Fish & Duck at 8:30 a.m.
  • The support boats and houseboat will be near the mouth of Two Rivers Arm around 9:30 a.m. for people to pick up garbage bags and head out to beaches to clean up.
  • Please pre-register with the SLCA or the Fish and Duck so we can plan for numbers and we can coordinate where volunteers are cleaning beaches.

The “Clean Beaches, Clean Water” community event is sponsored by the Fish and Duck with local volunteers keeping our environment healthy.

 Don’t forget to put away your toys and remove debris from your beaches before the high water comes. Clean water is everyone’s responsibility.


September 24, 2023

9:30 am 

Meet near the mouth of Two Rivers Arm

The Fish and Duck


The Sproat Lake Community Association

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