Non SLCA Member Pickleball Package Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Player Information2Rules & Conduct3Waiver4PaymentPlayer Information:Are you over the age of 19 years? *YesNoName of Parent or Guardian *Email Address of Parent or Guardian *Are you under the age of 16 years old? *YesNoYou can play for free! Please do not complete this form. Instead, please have your parent or guardian add you to their registration. Name *FirstLastAddress: *Contact Number *Email Address *By providing the above information, you consent to Sproat Lake Community Association communicating with you regarding pickleball-related updates. Emergency Contact Information:Note: If you are a returning player and your emergency contact information has not changed from last year, please scroll to the next section. Name of Emergency ContactFirstLastRelationship to PlayerEmergency Contact PhoneBy providing the above information, you consent to Sproat Lake Community Association using it for emergency purposes. Minor Children:Would you also like to register your child/children? (Under 19 years Old) *NoYesPlease note that children under the age of 16 play for free, but must be accompanied by an adult at all times. NextSLCA Code of Conduct and Pickleball Program RulesTo ensure a smooth and harmonious experience for everyone, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the recently updated SLCA Pickleball Program Rules and the SLCA Code of Conduct. The rules are designed to prevent any confusion and ensure a shared understanding among all players. The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure an enjoyable experience for all. View the SLCA Pickleball Program Rules View the SLCA Code of Conduct Acknowledgement: *I have read, fully understand and accept the rules and code of conduct. I agree to abide by both, as may be amended from time to time.PreviousNextInjury & Liability WaiverI hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions related to my participation in Pickleball (the "Activities") on the premises of the Sproat Lake Community Association (the "SLCA"). I am aware that the Activities involve certain risks and dangers inherent to them. I hereby release the SLCA, its directors, officers, administrators, employees, volunteers and their personal representatives from any and all causes of action, claims and demands for damages, loss or injury, which may be sustained by me arising out of or in consequence of my participation in the Activities and I assume all risks in connection thereto. I acknowledge that the SLCA does not carry any insurance coverage with respect to my participation in the Activities. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the SLCA, its directors, officers, administrators, employees, volunteers and their personal representatives from any and all claims or demands which may be made against them arising out of or in consequence of my participation in the Activities. Waiver Acknowledgement *By submitting this document I acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and accept all the terms and conditions listed above and freely and knowingly assume the risk and waive my rights concerning liability as set out above.PARENTAL/GUARDIAN RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENTPlease list the first & last name(s), and age(s) of the minor child/children you would like to register. *As the parent or legal guardian of the above noted child/children, (the “Participant(s)”), I hereby allow them to participate in Pickleball and such related and other activities at the premises of the Sproat Lake Community Association (the “SLCA”) from time to time (the “Activities”). I am aware that the Activities involve certain risks and dangers inherent to them. I hereby release the SLCA, its directors, officers, administrators, employees, volunteers and their personal representatives from any and all causes of action, claims and demands for damages, loss or injury, which may be be sustained by me or the Participant, or both, arising out of or in consequence of the participation by the Participant in the Activities and I assume full responsibility for supervising the Participant and assume all risks in connection thereto. I acknowledge that the SLCA does not carry any insurance coverage with respect to the Participant. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the SLCA, its directors, officers, administrators, employees, volunteers and their personal representatives from any and all claims or demands which may be made against them arising out of or in consequence of the participation by the Participant in the Activities. Release & Indemnity Acknowledgement *By submitting this document I acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and accept all terms and conditions listed above and freely and knowingly release and indemnify the SLCA from any liability in relation to the participation of the above listed minor children.PreviousNextPlease note that your minor children (ages 16-18) will be registered in the "Pay When You Play" Tier unless a package is purchased for them. Children under the age of 16 play for free and must be accompanied by a registered adult. Non SLCA Member Outdoor Pickleball Package. Price: $45.00Non-SLCA Member Outdoor Pickleball Package. (16 Years Old and Up)Price: $45.00012345678910Total Order Summary Item Quantity Qty Total There are no products selected. Non SLCA Member Outdoor Pickleball Package. 1$45.00Non-SLCA Member Outdoor Pickleball Package. (16 Years Old and Up)0$0.00Total$45.00 $0.00Total $0.00Payment Details *CardName on CardPreviousSubmit